1.) I am the most paranoid, worrisome person that you could probalby imagine. I'm fairly good at not showing it all the time but my mind is constantly on overdrive worrying about this or that. I cannot relax. It's impossible.
2.) One of the hardest things for me to do is have my blood drawn (or IVs put in). I get sick, throw up and or pass out; it's not pretty. Imagine my horror when I realized this would happen multiple times while pregnant! It's totally psychosomatic - for example, there was a woman at work who would draw blood on occasion and I would see her walking by with her little basket of materials and immediately start to be sick. I'm just not right! :)
3.) I was a "refugee" in 2002 after a fire destroyed our condo. It was uninhabitable for 6 months while being rebuilt and our items were in storage for that long as well. This incident probably changed me the most. As a refugee, I lived in my in-laws' finished basement. For 6 months. That's a long time.
4.) I am lucky to have the awesomest best friend. She and I were besties from at least 6th grade through high school. We both went to the same University but lost touch as we were busy with school etc. Four years ago, we reconnected and it is like we had never been apart. It's not like we were mad or anything...just busy with school and other things. It's sad kind of but I am lucky enough to work with her every day now! Well, I did. We're in separate labs now but it's still more than awesome...I mean, who else can I call up on her extension at work and just randomly babble about stuff that only I think is funny and she will listen and laugh even if she could care less? That's Danielle!

5.) I hate chocolate.
6.) I was always scared to join sports in school for fear of being made fun of because I was no good but once I started working at my employer, I joined the softball team, soccer team and bowling league. I only lasted 2 games with soccer but played for 5 years on the softball team and 6 years on the bowling league. Who knew? I really liked softball.
7.) I drink entirely too much Coca-Cola. I recently cut down to approximately 16 oz per day. Don't ask how much I was drinking, I don't even know.
8.) I have played the piano since I was 3 years old. I now have my piano in my house and would love to play but get anxiety over it. I don't think I remember how to do it and that makes me incredibly sad.
9.) I would love to have a second home in New Orleans
10.) I have listened to the Legally Blonde: The Musical original broadway recording every day since April 21, 2008. Yes, I know...lame. :P
So, there you have it. That's as honest as I'm going to get right now.
Those are really scary honest. Good honest though. sometimes you need to remind yourself what reality REALLY is!! :) (AND START PLAYING THE PIANO!!!!)
Awwww, thanks for my tribute :) And that picture is still my favorite! I know you can still play the piano, just like you could still ride a bike. Once you start it will come back.
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