I decided to step up our game a bit this year. I collected "votes" from people at work - each vote is $0.25 :) as well as promoted the hell out of it on Facebook (you could submit PayPal votes online). So basically, it's whatever child has the most money donated. It goes to a great cause, the Jaycees are a great local organization that do a lot for the community.
She once again got to ride in her decorated wagon for the parade. This year we went with Red, White and Black as a theme. It was raining unfortunately and we had balloons but they didn't want to float :(
After the parade, myself, Kurin, Emily, Mom and Dad, Gay, C and Edwin all had lunch at the Campfire restaurant in Milan. It was damp and gross outside but we had fun at lunch.
The following day, the winners were going to be announced down in Frog Island. My mom, Emily and I went down to the park to hear the winners announced. There is a King, Queen, Prince and Princess.
After the announcing of the Prince and Princess, the King and Queen were announced. I am pleased to say that my Bebe' was named Queen of the Beautiful Babies of Ypsilanti, Michigan! She was so cute in her little crown. She received a lot of gifts, full size Johnson and Johnson bath products, gift certificates to local businesses like Haab's, a crown, a bouquet of flowers and a $100 US savings bond (which I might add she JUST received about 2 weeks ago LOL). It was a very exciting day :)